Judy Fisher M.Ed.

Judy Fisher M.Ed.

Hi, I'm Judy Fisher & I help 55+people create 'authentic social connections' online. Huh?🤔 I know it sounds like a tall order, but reallynot to worry, because we're just talking about improving our listening skills in a conversation~ responding to others with empathy & relaxing enough to share your own experiences. I know that it sounds like a tall order, but as a matchmaker for 10 years & a personal growth educator for over 4 decades, I've found that in a safe environment, with a skilled professional, most human beings will relax & open up pretty easily! Want to know more? Just tap the icon below & you will find me on IG or you can email me directly at choose2blossom@gmail.com (type 'tell me more' in the subject line) & I'll get back to you soon. Looking forward to meeting you online!